Conference on “Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future” Silvia Bernardo May 29, 2015

Conference on “Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future”

A success to be repeated in the future

EuroPris in cooperation with ICPA and CEP organised on 27-29th May 2015 the first Global Corrections Digital Technology Conference, ‘Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future’, hosted by the Justice Department, Government of Catalonia.
Two hundred participants (prison and probation systems representatives and technology providers) from more than 15 countries joined in Barcelona to think and share their views on the future of prisons and probation and the increasing role of technology.  
Participants considered this conference a success that should be repeated in the future.

 The conference covered the themes of:

1) collaboration, knowledge and information management within the whole Lifecycle of Offender Management;

2) collaboration and participation of the Offender throughout this Lifecycle;

3) improving Operational and Security processes both inside and outside the prison walls.

Mr. Pedro das Neves participated in this conference on behalf of the BSAFE Lab Law enforcement, justice and public security research and technology transfer lab.

 Watch the short movie with reactions about the conference:

For further information about this conference, please visit:

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