Young offenders: ActiveGames4Change project gets EU support Silvia Bernardo December 10, 2018

Sport and physical activity learning environment for citizenship, emotional, social and e-competences training.

The ActiveGames4Change project – “Sports and Physical Activity Learning Environment for Citizenship, Emotional, Social e-Competences” – has been granted financial support under the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of support for policy reform – initiatives for policy innovation.

ActiveGames4Change aims to support young offenders (in custody and under community supervision) in the acquisition and usage of key competences to facilitate inclusion, education and employability, by developing an innovative framework of learning environments and materials focusing on sports and physical activity.

The general objective of this project will be achieved through developing and implementing innovative methods to foster inclusive education in the correctional and juvenile justice systems.

In fact, the concept of the project consists of an attempt to provide an answer to an emergent context that was thoroughly mapped via desk research, grounded by assessments made in the scope of the professional experience of each partner of the project consortium.

The project is promoted by the University of Gloucestershire (UK) and counts with IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), BSAFE LAB/UBI (Portugal), Aproximar (Portugal), CESIE (Italy), CPIP (Romania), Penitenciarul de Minori si Tineri Craiova (Romania), BAGázs (Hungary), Fundación Diagrama (Spain), and the Turkish Ministry of Justice (Turkey) as partners.

Learn more details about the ActiveGames4Change project.

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