ActiveGames4Change: Implementation progress in discussion Silvia Bernardo October 18, 2019

ActiveGames4Change: Implementation progress in discussion

Sport and physical activity learning environment for citizenship, emotional, social and e-competences training.

The second transnational meeting of ActiveGames4Change project took place in Izmir, Turkey, on the 17th and 18th of October 2019 at Anemon Fuar Hotel.

Representatives from the partner countries (the United Kingdom, Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Italy) participated in this second project meeting, where the project’s implementation progress was discussed by the partners, including goals and tasks for the upcoming months. Furthermore, the partners also discussed and reviewed some administrative and financial topics.

This project focuses on the importance of embedding sport and physical activity in correctional settings as an effort to promote the inmates’ physical, mental health and well-being while contributing to social control and reduce reoffending, as an offender management tool that could strengthen their rehabilitation process.

ActiveGames4Change is supporting young offenders (in custody and under community supervision) acquiring and using key competences to facilitate inclusion, education and employability, by developing an innovative framework of learning environments and materials.

Learn more about the project ActiveGames4Change

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