December 15, 2020 Training community mentors is essential to prevent radicalisationRecognising the key value of mentors in preventing radicalisation, the INTEGRA project developed and evaluated...
December 11, 2020 Towards an integrated approach to radicalisation preventionAfter years of research and training, IPS shared the INTEGRA project’s achievements in radicalisation prevention...
January 22, 2020 Community, probation and prison radicalisation prevention – INTEGRA 5th MeetingSeeking to improve the transition process between prison and probation systems and the community for...
December 6, 2019 INTEGRA: Over 60 professionals in second short-term staff trainingHolistic radicalisation prevention approach across communities and correctional settings, on second event targeting staff training....
December 3, 2019 PRE-RIGHTS project: A more balanced approach to pre-trial detentionTowards a judicial and police cooperation in line with the provisions of the EU Security...
November 7, 2019 Challenge it! Combating Youth ExtremismRaising awareness about similarities and differences in participants’ national contexts and subjective perceptions. On the...
September 26, 2019 Against Violent Radicalisation in Cities – PRACTICIES 3rd steering committeeThe meeting aimed to develop multi-level (local, regional, national and supranational) recommendations for policymakers. The...
July 22, 2019 JUSTICE TRENDS #5: Radicalisation, extremism and organised crimeThe fifth issue of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine has just been published. This is the second...
July 19, 2019 Holistic radicalisation prevention – 4th INTEGRA project meetingOn the 19th of July 2019, the fourth INTEGRA Project meeting was held at the...
June 25, 2019 Improving the implementation of Exit Programmes – WayOut project 2nd meetingThe second meeting of the WayOut Project Steering Committee was held on June 24 and...