Project name: Highly Qualified Employment in Companies – Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (PME or CoLAB)

Project code: CENTRO-04-3559-FSE-000121

Primary objective: Promoting the sustainability and quality of employment and supporting labour mobility.

Intervention region: Center

Beneficiary entity: Qualify Just – IT Solutions and Consulting, LDA

Approval date: 02-06-2020

Start date: 21-10-2020

Completion date: 31-12-2022

Total eligible cost: €138,161.07

Financial support from the European Union – ESF (European Social Fund): €69,080.54

To strengthen its R&D capabilities, the company intends to create two new jobs dedicated to its R&D activities. Both jobs created qualify as equivalent to a doctorate (level VIII).

Designation of the project: IPS – Internationalisation

Project code: CENTRO-02-0752-FEDER-020345

The main objective: To reinforce the competitiveness of SMEs

Region of intervention: Centre


Date of approval: 11-03-2016

Start date: 20-05-2016

End Date: 19-05-2019

Total eligible cost: € 264,379.18

Financial support from the European Union: € 118,970.63

National / regional public financial support: Not applicable

Project name: HORUS360 – HORUS 360º iOMS intelligent Offender Management System

Project code: CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-113066

Primary objective: Strengthen research, technological development and innovation

Intervention region: Center

Beneficiary entities:

– Qualify Just – IT Solutions and Consulting, LDA
– iTech-ON, Research and Development of Information Technologies, LTD
– University of Beira Interior (UBI)

Approval date: 03-18-2021

Start date: 2021-03-01

Completion date: 2023-06-30

Total eligible cost: €1,606,836.74

    Qualify Just – €614,246.66
    iTech-ON – €569,625.21
    UBI – €422,964.87

Financial support from the European Union – ERDF (European Regional Development Fund): €1,153,219.46

    Qualify Just – €424,944.40
    iTech-ON – €411,051.41
    UBI – €317,223.65

The HORUS360 project aims to design an Intelligent Offender Management System that allows managing the life cycle of citizens in custody or supervised within the scope of criminal proceedings (prison and probation) and supports decision-making within the scope of detention, rehabilitation, therapeutic intervention, court decisions, decisions on security measures, treatment, or early release from prison.