ECOPRIS: Development and administration of prison work at the EuroPris General Assembly Silvia Bernardo June 12, 2015

ECOPRIS: Development and administration of prison work at the EuroPris General Assembly

Fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills and improvement of the capacities of organizations in the areas of inclusion of inmates.

Representing IPS, Tiago Leitão presented the ECOPRIS Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration project, at EuroPris annual General Assembly composed by General Directors of Prison Administration from EU member states.

Tiago Leitão presented the project results so far and the goals of the ECOPRIS transnational partnership looking forward to support Prison work development to proactively provide more work experiences to offenders. Offenders employment after release is a key success factor to reduce reoffending, thus increasing sentences effectiveness and society safety.

For further information about the ECOPRIS project, please contact [email protected]

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