ECOPRIS seminar: Ecologic development of prison administration Silvia Bernardo July 14, 2017

As the ECOPRIS project approaches its end, the auditorium of the Portuguese General Directorate of Probation and Prison Services (DGRSP) in Lisbon, Portugal, was the stage for its International Seminar.

The event took place on the 13th of July 2017, gathering all the partners, aiming at promoting the project and engaging both the European and the national key-stakeholders and experts.

ECOPRIS international seminar

ECOPRIS’ seminar – Lisbon, 13th July 2017

The work developed under the purview of pilot-projects in the penitentiary institutions of the participant countries has been the main focus, as well as the review of intellectual outputs based on the work done with the participants from the Romanian, Turkish and Portuguese Prison Services.

The event was specially opened by Mr. Celso Manata, the General Director of the Portuguese Probation and Prison Services, and attended by the special guest Mr. Juán José Torres, the General Director of CIRE – Center of Initiatives for Reintegration, from the Department of Justice of Catalonia (Spain), who spoke about two decades of CIRE experience on developing prison work initiatives in Catalonia.

ECOPRIS Seminar CIRE and DG Prisons Portugal

Mr. Juán José Torres (CIRE), Mr. Pedro das Neves (IPS), Mr. Celso Manata (DGRSP), and Mr. Jorge Monteiro (DGRSP) [From left to right]

ECOPRIS, whose start dates back to September 2014, is a transnational project about ecological economics in prison work administration and it is planned to be concluded by the end of August 2017.

Led by BSAFE LAB – Law Enforcement, Justice, and Public Safety Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory, from the University of Beira Interior (Portugal), ECOPRIS joins together the prison service directorates of Romania, Turkey, and Portugal; further partners include IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), CPIP – Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning (Romania), West University of Timisoara (Romania) and EuroPris – The European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (Netherlands and Belgium).

Learn more details about ECOPRIS.

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