EISALP meeting: Developing prison education throughout Europe Silvia Bernardo February 18, 2015

EISALP meeting: Developing prison education throughout Europe

Partners of “EISALP: European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals to the Correctional Criminal Justice System” meet in Lisbon.

The EISALP project is set from the principle of finding out what it is that a prison educator has to do that is different or over and above what teachers in other areas of lifelong learning sectors have to do. It is clear that the challenges of an “outside” adult learning professional coming to work in the correctional criminal justice system are high. The learning environment is unique and challenging.

The EISALP project aims to develop a European key competency profile for adult learning professionals working in correctional criminal justice system; develop modular, tailor-made induction support for adult learning professionals working in correctional criminal justice system, based on the previously developed European key competency profile; improving the management of adult education professionals through measures to develop the learning dimension of the correctional criminal justice system in the partner countries; mainstream the induction support and its components in correctional criminal justice system.

Transnational partners include:
– CPIP – Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente, Romania
– CFSO – Penitenciarul Arad – Centrul De Formare A Ofiterilor, Romania
– REPER21 – European Network for the Promotion of a Responsible Economy, Romania
– EPEA – European Prison Education Association, Malta
– CCF – Corradino Correctional Facility, Malta
– IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, Portugal
– ANJAF – Associação Nacional para a Acção Familiar, Portugal
– PRO-ECO svetovanje in storitve na področju upravljanja z okolj, Slovenia
– CIK Trebnje – Center za izobraževanje in kulturo Trebnje, Slovenia
– USER VOICE, United Kingdom
– LIFE – Learning Initiatives for Employment CIC, United Kingdom


Interested in knowing more the about the EISALP project?
Visit its page and/or drop us an e-mail at [email protected]

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