Reintegration and employability programmes at European Prison Regime Forum Silvia Bernardo March 21, 2014

Reintegration and employability programmes at European Prison Regime Forum

Experts from 27 countries involved at the XVI EPRF looked at how Education Training and Employment and Vocational Education and Training are important to a successful resettlement and to reduce re-offending.

The XVI European Prison Regime Forum (EPRF) took place in Lisbon the 20th and 21st March 2014 hosted by DGRSP, the portuguese penitentiary and probation system.

The Program was composed of a mixture of keynotes, presentations, networking and workshops presented by different specialists in this field. Topics included major legislative, vocational training, operational developments, new employability arrangements, for post release placement of prisoners research papers, new labour market opportunities.

According to Jorge Monteiro* (on the left in the photo), head of the projects and programs management of DGRSP, this meeting brought together heads of prison regime in correctional services in Europe and aimed to discuss current issues on social rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners. “In Portugal, we have the opportunity to discuss the National Plan for Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Inmates, approved recently by the council of ministers and that includes “more than 96 concrete measures to modernize and make the system more effective and efficient especially in its goal of preventing recidivism.”

Tiago Leitão and Pedro das Neves from IPS_Innovative Prison Systems participated in the event providing their contributions on the “involvement of enterprises and entrepreneurs” and the models for “structuring of prison work and industries at national level and in the European context“.


Click here to download the EPRF 2014 Summary Report.

*according to Lusa

For further information about this event, please contact [email protected]

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