Nuno Garcia, Ph.D.

Strategic Board Advisor

Nuno M. Garcia holds a PhD in Computer Science Engineering from the Universidade da Beira Interior and is a 5-year BSc in Mathematics / Informatics (Hons.) also from UBI. He was an entrepreneur (1988-2004), member of the Research Team at Siemens SA (2004-2007) and Nokia Siemens SA (2007-2008), and Head of Research at PLUX SA (2008-2010). 

Currently he is Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Computer Science Department at UBI and Invited Associate Professor at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, having served as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at UBI (2018-2021).  He was the founder and is a researcher of the Assisted Living Computing and Telecommunications Laboratory (ALLab, 2010), a research group within the Instituto de Telecomunicações at UBI. He was also co-founder and is Chair of the Executive Council of the BSAFE LAB Law enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research laboratory in UBI (2015). 

Since 2010, he has participated as Principal Investigator, Coordinator, Local Coordinator or Researcher of several European or national Research projects. The funds he directly managed for these projects surpass the 4.8 M€. For the two research groups, a total of 19 projects have been or are managed, of them, 8 as Principal Investigator, and 11 as Coordinator of the research team at UBI.

He was the founder and coordinator of the Cisco Academy at UBI (2010-2020) and was Chair of the COST Action IC1303 AAPELE – Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (Brussels, Belgium, 2013-2017). He is currently a member of COST Actions SHELD-ON (CA16226) and GDHRnet (CA19143).

Nuno was identified as one of the world top 2% most influencing researchers for the years 2019 and 2020 (Ioannidis JPA, Boyack KW, Baas J (2020) Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918. 

He is a member of ISOC and of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency, a group within GNSO in ICANN. 

His main interests include Next-Generation Networks, predictive algorithms for healthcare and well-being, distributed and cooperative algorithms, and the battle for a Free and Open Internet.

Nuno is part of the research team focusing on predictive analytics, data fusion, artificial intelligence, and software engineering, in the framework of the strategic joint-venture between IPS Innovative Prison System and the BSAFE LAB of UBI University for digital transformation in corrections, in the framework of the HORUS iOMS 360 consortia.

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