Terrorism and Radicalisation legal practices in joint project conference José Santos October 26, 2021

Terrorism and Radicalisation legal practices in joint project conference

The consortium aims to strengthen cooperation and exchange of best practices and tools regarding the rights of those involved in terror-related judicial processes.

“Crime – Terror Nexus: legal perspectives from the EU Member States: cases, practices and experiences” is the name of the joint conference between EU JUST projects FAIRNESS and JP-COOPS, to be held over the 27th and 28th of October 2021.

Among presentations on Terrorism, Radicalisation, and their relation to Justice, conducted by international project partners, the first open day of this final online conference will discuss projects FAIRNESS, “Implementation of the Stockholm Roadmap in Cases of Terrorism and Radicalisation” and JP-COOPS, “Judicial and Police Cooperation Preventing Radicalisation Towards Terrorism”. These projects’ main products, namely FAIRNESS EU Toolkit and JP-COOPS Super Toolkit, will also be on the table.

These projects’ Toolkits seek to help develop the capacities of national professionals to address issues related to the rights of persons suspected or accused of crimes linked to terrorism. Moreover, these documents strengthen the information exchange and cooperation practices between competent national authorities across the EU.

Also, the Toolkits provide a centralised security solution dashboard for strategic planning, allowing for the presentation and dissemination of new content and greater outreach and contact with potential stakeholders.

Participation in this English-spoken event is free, and aimed at practitioners, general public and international organisations. Registration is now open.

The second day will be a closed-door seminar with practitioners by invitation only. It will include a practical exercise for practitioners to simulate and validate the tools developed in the scope of both projects.

The FAIRNESS project promotes a balanced harmonisation between the European Member States’ legal practices concerning individuals suspected or accused of terrorism-related crimes or radicalisation. This project explores the coherence between the ‘spirit’ and provisions of the ‘Stockholm’s Roadmap’ contrasted with investigative and preventive practices involving suspects or accused persons of crimes related to terrorism in the pre-trial stage.

The project is promoted by the Ministry of Justice of Italy and is partnered by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems; the Center for the Study of Democracy in Bulgaria; the Free University of Brussels in Belgium; Agenfor International in Italy; the College of Public Administration of Bremen in Germany; and ICPA, Stitching Foundation office in Europe in The Netherlands.

The JP-COOPS project looks to address existing gaps in counter-radicalisation policies and practices through cross-border cooperation of training providers to innovate the training in radicalisation.

For more information on the FAIRNESS project, please visit its website.

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