IDECOM: prison staff training using INNOPRIS game Silvia Bernardo October 17, 2016

IDECOM: prison staff training using INNOPRIS game

Foreseen in the framework of IDECOM project, which aims prison systems’ innovation, a short-term joint training event, directed at prison staff, was held in Setúbal, Portugal, on October 17th 2016.

This event is focused on the Innovation skill development and received 36 participants from Turkish, Moldavian, Romanian and Portuguese prison services. The methodology of this training event comprehends the use of INNOPRIS, a game storming approach to innovation that enables the assessment of prison and probation systems, as well as the learning process of their staff – including decision-makers – and practice acquisition.

This training aims at exchanging knowledge and practice (increase training value since they will be able to see in loco other countries prison staff constraints, strengths, and solutions), reinforcing communities of practice (online training component) and also increasing trainees’ motivation to show other their ideas and pilot actions.

The participants of this short-term staff training have access to online training course contents about Innovation, Communication, and Entrepreneurship in the prison context.

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