IPS seminar: Organization’s challenges and contribution to modernise Penitentiary Systems Silvia Bernardo January 13, 2015

IPS seminar: Organization’s challenges and contribution to modernise Penitentiary Systems

IPS_Innovative Prison Systems opens a discussion on innovation in prison services in a “intelligent society”.

Bringing innovation in traditional, hierarchical and complex organizations like the prison systems is not an easy process. Here innovation is often induced by the change of perception of society regarding the mission and role of the execution of sentences and rehabilitation services; by changes in regulatory frameworks; the introduction of new technologies and processes; or the integration of external services and cooperation with civil society organizations on a reciprocal relationship.

There are many challenges faced by prison systems in the “intelligent society” and that is why, we’ve invited prison systems representatives, consulting and technology-based companies, NGOs, education and training organizations and other citizens’ organizations  to discuss how can they can contribute to innovate in prison services.

The event, organized by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, the BSAFE LAB and B2Citizens Association took place on January 13 at in Lisbon at the Microsoft auditorium.


14:00 – Opening Session
– Maria João Benquerença, B2CITIzens Association and ISA group
– Pedro das Neves, Board member of the BSAFE LAB and of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems

14:40h – “Modern prison systems management: challenges and opportunities”
– Licinio Lima, Deputy director general of the General Directorate of Rehabilitation and Prison Services, Portugal
– Hans-Meurisse, President of EUROPRIS and Director General of the General Directorate of Prison Services, Belgium

– Portugal accession ceremony to EUROPRIS (Hans-Meurisse, Licinio Lima)

15:20 – Coffee break

15:40 – Round Table I: “Technology and modernization opportunities of the penitentiary systems”
Moderation: Pedro Pinto Lourenço, National Security and Public Safety, Microsoft Portugal and Nuno Garcia, visiting professor, coordinator of the BSAFE LAB

Technological trends: Steven Van De Steene, ICT Director of the Belgium Penitentiary, coordinator of EUROPRIS the ICT group.

– Miguel Castelo-Branco (telemedicine and telemonitoring), President of CHCB, FCS UBI
– Maria Benquerença (energy and energy efficiency), ISA Energy
– Paulo Janeiro (mobility), Tetratab
– Miguel Sales Dias (AAL, Gamification), Microsoft Portugal
– Tiago Borges (geo-referencing, fleet management and vehicle and persons location), INOSAT Global

16:40 – Round Table II: “Training and Rehabilitation: cooperate to re-enter the twenty-first century
Moderator: Fr. João Gonçalves, national coordinator of the prison ministry (catholic church).

– Jorge Monteiro, coordinator of the DGRSP programmes competence centre
– Ana Paula Filipe, director of the training department of IEFP (Portuguese employment services)
– Licinio Lima, deputy director general of the General Directorate of Rehabilitation and Prison Services
– Florin Lobont, Director of the Romanian Centre for Prison Studies, West University of Timisoara

17:30 – Summary of the completion of the work and closing session, Pedro das Neves

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