IPS attends the 147th Congress of Corrections in St. Louis, USA Silvia Bernardo August 22, 2017

IPS attends the 147th Congress of Corrections in St. Louis, USA

IPS_Innovative Prison Systems CEO, Pedro das Neves, has participated in the 147th Congress of Corrections, between August 18th and 22nd 2017.

The event is organized by the American Correctional Association (ACA) and was held at the America’s Center, St. Louis, in Missouri, USA.

The conference has covered areas like health care, public health, prison architecture and design, drug abuse treatment, and human resources, and has counted with the participation of hundreds of delegates, practitioners, experts and decision-makers from correctional systems from around the world.

On the fringes of this major corrections’ event, the CEO of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems – which is a member of ACA – had the chance to carry out various business meetings as well as to present JUSTICE TRENDS magazine inaugural issue to different stakeholders.

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