INNOPRIS: a board game designed to brainstorm prisons’ innovation Silvia Bernardo November 3, 2016

INNOPRIS: a board game designed to brainstorm prisons’ innovation

In the framework of IDECOM, IPS Innovative Prison Systems has launched a game storming process named INNOPRIS, which, ultimately, consists in a game.

Because fostering innovation in traditional and hierarchical organizations is not easy, IPS Innovation Prison Systems has created a game specifically to be carried out by correctional and probation staff, including C-Level professionals.

It consists in a game storming session  through which it will be possible to clearly assess the current situation of any prison or probation system; understand each type and phase of the required innovation ad change process; be able to identify and develop the key management and leadership competences; and develop action plans that are understandable and easily shareable.

Watch INNOPRIS short video:

The game results from the integration of five key competences necessary for the biopsychosocial development of both individuals and teams, respectively: Flexibility, Improvisation and Creativity, Risk, Stress, and Tasks.

The rationale behind INNOPRIS urges players to discover how to deal with challenges and opportunities, ultimately aiming at improving the competencies and performance within prison and probation systems, as well as at engaging all involved practitioners in management innovation and corporate culture change.

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