JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine: 7th edition is now online Silvia Bernardo July 8, 2021

The 7th issue of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine has been published on a brand-new and optimised website. There are plenty of new exclusive interviews with correctional leaders from around the world and articles on topics that spark interest from prison and probation stakeholders globally.


JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine 7th edition focuses on the new challenges and opportunities for correctional facilities globally in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. All interviews in this edition provide important inputs on this matter, spanning numerous countries, as well as the measures implemented in different jurisdictions amid the public health crisis.

The Editorial of the latest JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine, written by its Director, Pedro das Neves, urges us to reflect on several long-awaited changes in correctional systems around the world, which were accelerated by the onset of the pandemic.

So, the JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine Director highlights that:

“We must find the time to reflect on how the use of alternatives to incarceration may endure beyond the crisis period. Find the time to rethink existing detention regimes and conditions or imagine new futures adopting new ways of working and working together. Find the time to reflect on embracing technology and the challenges of digitisation (for some) or digital transformation (for others). Don’t we do this, and we would have lost the great opportunity that emerged from chaos.”

Read more from the Editorial in issue 7 of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine.


Explore exclusive interviews with experts in the correctional system


The featured interview that stands out in this edition’s cover is with Didier Reynders, the European Commissioner for Justice. This interview is followed by further exclusive interviews, namely with Jan Kleijssen, Director of the Information Society and Action against Crime Directorate of the Council of Europe, and Fiorella Salazar Rojas, Minister of Justice and Peace of Costa Rica.

Moreover, the latest JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine features several interviews with the Directors-General of Prison and Probation Services from several countries across Europe (Belgium, Denmark and Portugal), North America (Canada), South America (São Paulo State, Brazil), and Oceania (Australia – South Australia). In their interviews, these leaders share their achievements and new approaches but also the challenges and concerns they face in their jurisdictions.


Interviews with correctional leaders from around the world in JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine

Read these and other interviews with global Correctional leaders


Finally, 7th JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine also publishes an exclusive interview with Dr Christine Montross, M.D., psychiatrist and author of “Waiting for an Echo – The Madness of American Encarceration”. This specialist and professor of Medicine at Brown University shares her view of the problems in the American correctional system that penalize the mentally ill. Another interview focused on the United States of America is that of Victor Dickson, helping us to understand new perspectives and challenges on offenders reintegration issues. He is SAFER Foundation’s President and CEO, an NGO dedicated to helping citizens with criminal records become employed.

Explore a wealth of exclusive interviews in JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine.


Experts Panel – “The New European Bauhaus: an opportunity to revisit the way we think about prisons”


Experts Panel: New European Bauhaus - JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine

In the scope of the Experts Panel set by Pedro das Neves and Ana Maria Evans, this issue gathers the insightful perspectives of Correctional specialists, namely Robert Boraks, Hans Meurisse, Marayca Lopez, Are Høidal, Pia Puolakka, Steve Carter, and Steven Van de Steene, about the New European Bauhaus. The latter is an initiative of the European Commission towards a new living movement based on sustainability, inclusiveness, aesthetics, and climate protection.

The main goal of the New European Bauhaus is to accelerate the transition to green and inclusive urban, professional, industrial, and market models. Hence, the invited experts to this panel speak their minds on what this initiative could bring new to the Criminal Justice sector in Europe and beyond, including comprehensive innovations towards more dignified, inclusive, and sustainable prison and probation organisations.


Read exclusive articles on global pressing issues in prisons and probation


Explore exclusive articles.

Explore relevant articles on global pressing topics in the correctional sector.


In addition, be sure to read exclusive articles on global pressing topics, such as Women and Community Corrections, the Smart Prison, Domestic Violence, Social distancing in prisons, Video calls in prisons, Electronic Monitoring in times of pandemic, and Technologies for prisons and probation.


More than 200 exclusive contents on a brand-new website


Explore and have access to all contents of this and previous JUSTICE TRENDS issues. That’s nearly 200 exclusive interviews, featured articles, and case studies on a new, enhanced, and more user-friendly website. The online version of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine is available for desktop, tablet, and smartphone.


JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine is published in English and Spanish

JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine is published in English and Spanish


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