Over the last two years, partners from the MyCompass project have experienced the powerful potential of putting to good use the key competencies.
Five learning communities from Portugal, Romania, Cyprus, Lithuania, and Malta have been involved in testing and piloting a number of straightforward tools that help a teacher embed key competencies in every day work.
MyComPass learning communities have been developed around youngsters from the juvenile justice and social support areas, with direct involvement of general education schools.
Results, challenges and plans were presented in a „open space” style conference built around a number of learning experiences moderated by members of the project team, where the MyCompass experience was used as practical example. More than 150 guests have participated in the conference.
Tiago Leitão and Pedro das Neves facilitated two workshops on “transnational project piloting – the experience of the MyComPass” project.
Related articles:
- Enroll for the MyComPass final conference “Unlock your potential with key competences” in Lithuania
- About the MyComPass project
For further info about the MyComPass project, please visit the project website www.my-compass-project.eu or contact us by e-mail[email protected]