This conference had 85 participants from 25 different countries represented by managers from prison and probation services, academics, researchers and legal professionals.
Pedro das Neves on behalf of the BSAFE LAB and IPS participated in the final conference of the project “Prisons of the Future” hosted by the Custodial Institutions Agency (CIA, Netherlands) on March 3rd and 4th in The Hague.
The conference keynote speakers presented both on the causes and purposed of punishment; and on the impact of prison architecture and design.
The five project partners presented their views on recent developments and future trends. In parallel workshops the conference participants discussed criminal justice issues related to innovative (non) prison options such as alternative sanctions, new prison concepts, perspectives of offenders and/or citizens, the abolition of prisons as a last resort and the professional development of prison and probation services.
More information about this project can be obtained at EuroPris website. Conference presentations and summary report can be downloaded here.
For further information, please contact [email protected]