John Legend leads a US listening and learning tour, visiting with people who are incarcerated, law enforcement, legislators, and experts who’ve been thinking critically about America’s prison problem.
On the 16th of July, John Legend visited the Santa Cruz do Bispo prison in Porto, Portugal. The singer and songwriter is the leader of #FREEAMERICA, a multi-year culture campaign initiated to change the national conversation about US misguided policies and transform America’s criminal justice system.
During the visit hosted by DGRSP (Portuguese General Directorate of Prisons and Probation) and SICAD (General Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies) in association with IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (organizer of this visit in Portugal), Mr. Legend learned about innovative approaches to drug users treatment in Portugal; the decriminalization of drug consumption and it’s impact on the Portuguese justice system (a worldwide recognized best practice).
News story broadcasted by the Portuguese television (narrated and subtitled in Portuguese | Legend’s declarations in English).
For further information about John Legend visit to Santa Cruz do Bispo prison, please contact [email protected]