Workshop on work and entrepreneurship in prison context Silvia Bernardo April 23, 2013

Workshop on work and entrepreneurship in prison context

Portugal | A working session to reflect on work and entrepreneurship in prison context took place on the 23rd of April 2013 in Sintra organized by IPS/Qualify Just, Ubique Partnerships (UK) and DGRSP (the Portuguese Prison and Probation System).

The session was composed by two parts, the first one consisting of a reflection on prison work, entrepreneurship, employability and recidivism reduction took place at Sintra prison auditorium; and the second part consisting of a reflection and study visit on prison industries took place at woman’s prison in Tires. Both sessions had the participation of prison and probation service officials, entrepreneurs and NGO’s that currently work with inmates inside and outside the prison system.

Dr. Licínio Lima, deputy general director for Prison and Probation joined the group during the first part of the reflection process and Dr. Rui Sá Gomes, general director joined the group in Tires, where we had the chance to visit together the renewed medical facilities.

Participants in the working sessions included:

Ubique partnerships ltd 
Ian Henshaw and Rossella Sini

NOMS – National Offender Management Service 
Sandra Sutton

Staffordshire and West Midlands Probation Trust 
Audrey Beckford

Fry Housing Trust
Kimberley Sisum

Deborah Grantham

DGRSP Direcção Geral da Reinserção
e Serviços Prisionais
Licinio Lima, Jorge Monteiro,
Fátima Corte and Regina Branco

DNA Cascais 
Marco Fernandes, Marta D´Aguiar and Pedro Sousa

Isidro Brito

Carolina Cruz and Sandra Gomes

Associação Humanidades
Isabel Lopes

Cristina Rodrigues

Oportunidade 2020 
Miguel Toscano
 IPS/Qualify Just
Pedro das Neves and Tiago Leitão

(picture from “Design Behind Bars” documentary from Margarida Leitão)

If you would like to know more information about IPS interventions on prison work and industries, please contact us by e-mail  [email protected]

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