

DIGICOR Digital Transition Working Group


01/2023 – 07/2024 (18 months)


Facilitating mutual learning and knowledge exchange on digital transition in prisons

The Digital Transitions Working Group (DIGITWG) project is a direct result of ongoing research in the Erasmus+ DIGICOR Partnership.

Finding staff resistance to digital transition under recognised and under-researched, this small-scale partnership will engage in structured mutual learning exercises to promote knowledge and awareness. We will capitalise on the broad network of organisations and employers in the fields of prison and detention developed in the DIGICOR project, and add to this expert organisations on active labour market promotion and digital technology provision in correctional settings.

DIGIWG will facilitate exchange between actors with different perspectives and mandates, both to develop a common understanding of where the challenges lie in digital prison transformation and change management and to develop recommendations for stakeholders to apply a structured approach to whole-prison digitalisation.

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  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Portugal


  • ERASMUS | Line of funding: EDU-2023-PEX-COVE – Partnership for Excellence - Centres of Vocational Excellence


To give all prison staff – regardless of what they know or understand about digital technology - equality of access to digital competency training and thereby respond to a known professional development need and make the prison service an attractive employer.

To motivate staff to broaden their awareness of how digital systems can improve how effective a prison is, and how digital competencies can improve inmate’s chances of reintegration upon release.

The project idea is based on a concept of fairness amongst all citizens of all generations in the use and application of digital tools, and delivering flexible opportunities for VET.

Expected outcomes

Conduct an analysis to define predictors of resistance to digital change, identifying specific traits, conditions, and environments that may hinder the implementation of digital innovations in prisons.

Continuously facilitate and enhance online exchanges on the existing DIGICOR platform to support knowledge transfer and experience sharing about digitalisation in prisons throughout the eighteen-month period.

A two-day workshop in Lisbon, attended by 30 expert practitioners and policymakers, will focus on finalising draft versions of the four hub reports.

Develop and distribute three factsheets to inform stakeholders about the challenges and potential solutions for digitalisation in prisons at three levels of exchange: European policy, national prison administration, and adult training and professional development.

Coordinator & Partners

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