Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement
Promoting fundamental rights in (post) pandemic times in cross-border proceedings
02/2024 – 01/2026 (24 months)
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EPHESUS aims to promote judicial cooperation in criminal matters by contributing to the optimal and proportional use of the European Arrest Warrant, including in the context of remote judicial proceedings. It will do so by learning from and addressing fundamental and procedural rights breaches involving the use of the EAW, especially at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreover, the project will promote the increased and streamlined use of alternative mutual recognition instruments (specifically the European Investigation Order, European Supervision Order, and European Probation Order) to tackle the disproportionate use of the EAW.
For this purpose, the EPHESUS project will develop practitioner-oriented informative materials, and foster awareness-raising, mutual learning and exchange of experiences among justice professionals.
Convergence of application of the alternative instruments to the EAW and increased mutual trust between practitioners of the different EU Member States’ judicial systems.
Increased capacity for effective identification of breaches in fundamental rights and upholding its defence in cross-border proceedings.
Extended awareness, knowledge, and use of EIO, ESO and FD 2008/947 by judges and prosecutors.
Improvement of protection of fundamental and procedural rights in cross-border proceedings.
Practitioner-oriented informative materials, including factsheets and a glossary entailing the usability and added value of the EIO, ESO and EPO as alternatives for issuing an EAW, translated into partner country languages.
Multiple awareness raising activities, focusing on Judges and prosecutors, but also including lawyers or defence advocates working with EAW proceedings.
The EPHESUS ESO Database, including national country sheets on supervision measures, contributing to the work of judges and magistrates (as well as other justice professionals) regarding the use FD 2009/829.
Publications disseminating the project activities and results, namely short e-magazines, podcast interviews, and a booklet to be shared in the Justice Trends Magazine.
Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement
Promoting Universal Jurisdiction while Evoking the Crimes Committed within the Former Yugoslavia
Assessing the impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions
Alternative pre-trial detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards
Rehabilitation of foreign inmates within the scope of FD 2008/909/JHA
Strengthening Judicial expertise and Frontline support to combat Child Trafficking