R2Pris at European Commission conference on Radicalisation Silvia Bernardo February 26, 2018

R2Pris at European Commission conference on Radicalisation

Taking stock of the state of play of the projects in the area of radicalisation co-funded by the European Commission.

The R2PRIS project was chosen to be presented at the Conference on Radicalisation in Prisons, that took place in Brussels on 27/Feb/2018, hosted by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU and with the support of EuroPris and the Confederation of European Probation.

At the conference, Mr. Pedro das Neves from IPS presented the work developed during the last two and half years (and the work still under development) by an outstanding team of professionals – from 8 different jurisdictions – under the “R2Pris Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” project on radicalisation assessment tools development for frontline staff and on correctional staff training.

Mrs. Věra Jourová, the EU  Commissioner for Justice, welcomed and introduced the conference. The discussions focused on finding responses in the criminal justice sector. Particular attention was paid to the use of de-radicalisation, disengagement and rehabilitation programmes, risk assessment tools and alternatives to detention.

The European Commission invited 140 participants from all Member States, namely prison and probation experts, judges and prosecutors, representatives of international organisations, academics, and relevant NGOs.


The R2Pris project is led by the BSAFE LabLaw Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory, of the UBI – University of Beira Interior (Portugal), together with IPS_Innovative Prison Systems.

The project consortium has several partners, namely: the Norwegian, the Belgian, the Turkish and the Romanian Prison Services, the Romanian Centre for Penitentiary Studies of the University of West Timisoara, EuroPris – the European Organisation of Prison Services, and the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA). Furthermore, the Portuguese Prison and Probation Service and the Swiss Federal Penitentiary Training Center are also associate partners of the project.

R2Pris is funded by the Portuguese National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme.

For more information about the R2PRIS project, please go to its website: www.r2pris.org

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