The project EFCC project promoted by “Fundação O Século” involving partners from Portugal, Romania, Lithuania and Italy on the development of a “European Framework of Competences for Community Professionals working in Gang Environments approved for funding” by the ERASMUS+ funding agency.
EFCCP is planning to identify the professionals supporting communities affected by gangs, identify their common characteristics in terms of competencies and develop a “navigation tool” presenting major areas of competencies, specialized competencies, proficiency levels connected to EQF and examples of knowledge / behavior / skills. This navigation tool will help all professionals understand what is needed to address gangs.
EFCCP objectives are:
– to produce current and appropriate occupation / work profiles for those working with gangs and the impact of gang crime in communities across Europe, a profile relevant within each European partner country and against which new learning outcomes can be identified.
– to identify in each partner country key sectors, organizations and job roles working within gang crime and with the impact of gang crime (police, probation, youth work, health, social services, education, communities).
– to identify through desk and DACUM consultative research in each partner country the knowledge, skills and competences required to develop capacity and ensure improved and more successful engagements with gangs and gang members operating in order to reduce gang crime in the future.
– to develop the European Framework of Competencies under the form of an interactive on-line tool capturing: major areas of competencies, specific competencies for each area, proficiency levels related to EQF and examples of knowledge/skills/attitudes. This will be the fundamental tool to give a common language between professionals, employers, VET providers and communities, in a context where even the definition of the problem is challenging: what is a gang for you and your community?
The partnership is composed by:
- Fundação “O Século”, Portugal (promotor)
– IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, Portugal
– CPIP Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning), Romania
– Human Development and Social Integration Regional Center, Romania
– Charity and support fund “Garstycios grudas”, Lithuania - Psychological support and counselling centre, Lithuania
- University of Sassary, Italy
– ISES Association, Italy
Photo: Sket ( Sket is a 2011 British urban retribution thriller film, set in the inner estates of North West London that unveils how youth gangs operate.For further information about the EFCC project, please contact [email protected]