The project R2PRIS – Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons has been approved for funding by the ERASMUS+ funding agency.
Aligned with the current problematics of radicalisation of inmates in European prisons, the R2PRIS project aims to:
1. Create awareness on the broad picture of terrorism, the mind set and narratives used by understanding a) why prisons are a breeding ground for radicalisation; b) the difference between conversion, radicalisation and moving to extremist views (terminology); c) the pathways and levels of radicalisation, role in the network; d) recruitment tactics employed within the prison environment; and e) indicators on how to identify vulnerable people at risk of radicalisation;
2. Develop the tools and instruments for prison administration and line-level staff to recognize signs of radicalisation at an early stage within their specific facility;
3. Provide common, consistent and effective instruments to help staff report their observations to the appropriate intelligence staff;
4. Provide model procedures for intelligence staff to vet the data they receive from prison staff and to appropriately interpret it;
5. Establish a series of training programmes and tools for all staff within a prison to respond appropriately to potential vulnerable individuals at risk of radicalisation.
The consortium is composed by:
A. Research & development providers:
1. BSAFE LAB / UBI University – project promotor (PT)
2. IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (PT)
3. CRSP Romanian Centre for Penitentiary Studies (RO)
B. End-users:
4. NAP Romanian prison system (RO)
5. Belgium prison system (BE)
6. Kriminalomsorgen – Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, NO
7. Turkish prison administration (TR)
… and other prison systems that may want to participate.
C. Dissemination partners
9. EuroPris
For further information about the R2PRIS project, please contact [email protected]