Held at the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest on the 30th September and 1st October 2015, the “International Conference on Youth Justice: Walking together, talking together” was hosted by the Romanian Prison Administration, in a joint organisation with Meridianos International.
Young people in risk of social exclusion and young people who have committed a crime are one of the challenges that face all the public administrations and organizations that work in the youth sector in Europe. Those young people require, from the different entities and institutions with responsibility in the field, a specialized intervention, in a way that its work and intervention line would be more adequate to attend their realities and needs.
Pedro das Neves, representing IPS – also a member of the organizing committee of the conference – participated with a presentation at the discussion panel “Juvenile justice: designing new futures”.
With more than 200 participants from different countries, the conference offered an exceptional framework to debate and reflect on the problems of the young people with judicial measures in the national and European outlook: the different realities of the countries, legal frameworks, the changes that are taking place in Europe, the best practices and the innovative ideas will allow us to know, share and transfer knowledge and experience to build a more homogeneous Europe at a legal and educational level.
Romania, the host country for this Conference, has evolved on these aspects, introducing changes in its legal framework in order to be more alike as the European, progressing towards a reinsertion model more educative, obtaining verifiable improvement and generating opportunities for the young people, which position it on top of this important debate and European reflection.
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