May 14, 2019 AWARE project in progress: Second project meetingCrucial milestone of the project’s lifetime, allowing the partnership members to reflect on the project...
April 16, 2019 VR for Drug Rehabilitation: New tool for young offenders in probationThe project aims to develop and test an innovative drug treatment programme using advanced virtual...
April 10, 2019 AWARE EAW: Cross-border cooperation in the European Arrest WarrantHarmonising the way the European Arrest Warrant is implemented across the different European member States...
April 8, 2019 Radicalisation prevention: R4JUST initiative gets EU supportThe R4JUST initiative - Radicalisation Prevention Competences’ Development Programme for Justice Professionals - has been...
April 4, 2019 Technology in Corrections: Digital transformation of correctional servicesThe event was attended by 250 participants, including many CIOs from prison and probation services,...
March 25, 2019 Corrections Direct: the global prisons and probation directory launchedCORRECTIONS Direct is a unique global business community directory and networking platform that brings together...
March 19, 2019 MenACE Seminar: Mental Health, Aging and Palliative Care in PrisonsIncreasing the response to mental health disorders within prisons and the quality of palliative and...
February 8, 2019 JUSTICE TRENDS #4: Correctional systems modernisation and digital transformationThe fourth issue of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine has been published (January 2019 edition). In this...
January 10, 2019 “Coding Out” Coding in prison, a valuable tool for employment"Coding OUT Coding in prison as a valuable OUTside tool for employment” got funding from the...
January 9, 2019 Using Virtual Reality technologies for Drug RehabilitationThe “VR for Drug Rehabilitation” project seeks to develop a rehabilitation model for drug-using probationers...