In an effort to address the complexities arising from the implementation of Framework Decision (FD) 2008/947, which pertains to mutual recognition of judgments and probation decisions within the European Union, legal experts from across the EU convened in Paris, France. The symposium aimed to explore the challenges faced during the adaptation of sentences and ways to overcome them.
Implementing Framework Decision 2008/947 involves various complexities, including legal harmonisation, translation challenges, diverse legal traditions, national sovereignty concerns, administrative burdens, data privacy issues, differing parole approaches, cultural and linguistic diversity, enforcement mechanisms, training needs, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation requirements.
Considering the many aforementioned challenges, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and probation staff from various European Union nations joined in the J-CAP project Transnational Awareness-Raising Symposium, aimed at fostering awareness of FD 2008/947 and bolstering understanding of the legal systems and sanctions regimes in partner countries.
Through case studies and discussions, the event emphasised the need to consolidate trust and communication not only between member states but also among different stakeholders within each country. The key solution highlighted was the importance of promoting national cross-professional cooperation for effective procedures at the European level.
This gathering, hosted at École Nationale de la Magistrature, built upon the first Transnational Awareness-Raising Symposium (TARS) of the project. The event concluded with a visit to the French Probation Service in Paris, offering participants valuable insights into practical aspects of assessing rehabilitation prospects and subsequent supervision of individuals.
Through these symposia, it became evident that a collaborative approach involving the judiciary, public prosecution service, probation service and bar of defence attorneys is crucial for the correct and rehabilitation-focused implementation of FD 2008/947.
Additionally, the events underscored the significance of promoting awareness and understanding of national legal systems and judicial cultures to facilitate the execution of FD 2008/947 procedures.
As a next step, project J-CAP will organise an International Conference on the implementation of the FD 2008/947, scheduled for November 15th and 16th, 2023. This online event, open to participants from across the EU, will further address critical issues concerning the matter.
Registration for the J-CAP International Conference is now open.
Learn more about this project
Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions
The J-CAP project – “Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions” – is coordinated by the IGO-IFJ – Judicial Training Institute (Belgium) and partnered by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), Agenfor International (Italy), European Strategies Consulting (Romania), the National School for the Judiciary (France), the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (The Netherlands), and the Department of Applied Sociology of Law and Criminology at the University of Innsbruck (Austria).
To learn more about the J-CAP project please visit
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