Itinerariul Dialog project: Social dialog and cooperation in prison services Silvia Bernardo September 25, 2013

Itinerariul Dialog project: Social dialog and cooperation in prison services

EPSU, the European Federation of Public Services Unions held its Prison Services Network meeting in Bucharest on the 25-26 September 2013.

This meeting was hosted by SNLP, EPSU’s Romanian affiliate, in the framework of the project “itinerariul dialog”. The meeting started on Wednesday 25 September at 09h00 and ended on Thursday 26 September and included a visit to the Rahova prison in the vicinity of Bucharest.

The agenda included topics such as “social dialogue including pay bargaining” (building upon initial results of the SNLP project “itinerariul dialog” on capacity-building of social dialogue and trade union membership in prisons in Romania); “common demands for training of prison staff”; “update on EPSU activities against austerity”; and “prospects for further cooperation in Europe in prison services”.

More than 20 prison staff unions from different European countries participated at the meeting.  Pedro das Neves and Tiago Leitão from IPS/QJ participated at the meeting as guest obsersers.

Within the guests, Doina Adriana Pana, minister delegated for the social dialogue within the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly and Mircia Giurgiu, counselor of the minister, honored us with their presence.

Ms. minister: “Within the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Eldery, we have a joint tripartite commission, that will analyze the unions’ requests regarding the current legislation of labour, but also the opportunity of amending the legislation, due to the multiple demands and complaints of the unions. The current legislation of labour advantages the employers.”

Mr. counselor: “I listened with interest the Itinerariul Dialog ID project’s details and we want to invite SNLP next week to present a set of documents in order to establish how we might support its activities.”

For further information, please visit EPSU or SNLP websites or contact us by e-mail [email protected]

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