Assessing the Risk of Isolation of Sentenced and Accused: Enhancing the Capacity of Correctional Services to Work with Convicted Children
Alternative pre-trial detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards
Project design
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
04/2020 – 04/2022 (24 months)
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According to the Council of Europe, there are currently 1,229,385 prisoners in the penal institutions of the Member States that comprise the organisation. Of these inmates, more than 22% on average are under pre-trial detention (PTD).
The issue of PTD should not be overlooked as its overuse negatively affects not only detainees and their fundamental rights but also their families, communities and even countries’ financial resources. Moreover, the organisational impact of this issue on penitentiary systems should also be addressed.
Thus, PRE-TRIAD projects aim to promote judicial cooperation between European Union member States (EUMS), making policymakers and stakeholders aware of the challenges posed by the issue of pretrial detention.
In addition, it is imperative to lay the foundations for the establishment of common standards with respect to fundamental rights regarding the practical application of pretrial detention (and its alternative measures), while promoting the implementation of Council Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA of 23 October 2009.
Build the foundations for the achievement of common fundamental rights standards on the practical application of the pre-trial detention (and its alternative measures).
Raise awareness among legal practitioners about the conditions of pre-trial detention in European prisons and the application of PTD, its alternatives and enforcement in each context.
Increase and improve the knowledge of legal practitioners, namely judges and magistrates, about the various national laws relating to the application of pre-trial detention.
Promote the effective implementation, in the European Union Member States, of the Council of Europe Framework Decision 2009/829 /JHA of 23 October 2009 (by increasing the capacity of judicial professionals).
State of the art, comparative research and needs analysis.
Dissemination and integration through national workshops, an international outreach event at the European Judicial Training Network ( EJTN ), and a final public international conference.
Awareness-raising seminars.
Drafting recommendations on on pre-trial detention legislation and application at the European and national levels.
Assessing the Risk of Isolation of Sentenced and Accused: Enhancing the Capacity of Correctional Services to Work with Convicted Children
European Arrest Warrant
Empowerment of the Framework Decisions 2008/947 and 2009/829 through EU Probation Services
Promoting fundamental rights in (post) pandemic times in cross-border proceedings
Ensuring Probationers’ Rehabilitation Prospects via targeted enhancement of the implementation of FD 2008/947
Fair predictions of gender-sensitive recidivism
Implementation of the Stockholm’s Roadmap in cases of terrorism and radicalisation
Ensuring the due course of criminal proceedings via strengthened respect for the procedural rights of the suspect and the accused
Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions – EPP software 3.0
Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions
Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement
Promoting Universal Jurisdiction while Evoking the Crimes Committed within the Former Yugoslavia
Assessing the impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions
Rehabilitation of foreign inmates within the scope of FD 2008/909/JHA
Strengthening Judicial expertise and Frontline support to combat Child Trafficking