

Assessing the impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions


08/2019 – 03/2022 (31 months)


Towards a balanced approach to judicial and police cooperation in line with the provisions of the EU Security Agenda

The PRE-RIGHTS project will promote a balanced approach to judicial and police cooperation, in line with the provisions of the EU’s Security Agenda on prevention, as well as a coherence between the new hybrid investigations in the “intelligence-led police approach” and the EIO/EAW, avoiding excessive de-juridicalisation, as well as the compatibility of preventive security measures in prisons with the “spirit” and provisions of Framework Decisions 2008/909/947/829/JHA, in order to avoid de-socialisation.

The project involves addressing the problems and needs with a judicial perspective that is in line with the international standards, concerning the fundamental rights protection, and taking into due consideration the Brexit transition.



  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Romania


  • European Commission: Directorate-General Justice and Consumers (DG Justice Programme)


Promote a balanced approach to judicial and police cooperation in line with the provisions of the EU Security Agenda on prevention.

Achieve coherence between new hybrid investigations in ‘intelligence-led police approach’ and EIO/EAW to prevent excessive de-juridicalisation.

Implement the EU Security Agenda from a judicial perspective.

Foster compatibility of preventive security measures in prison with the ‘spirit’ and provisions of Framework Decisions 2008/909/ 947/829/JHA to prevent de-socialisation.

Impact the prevention policies and practices on MLAs and the Brexit transition.

Expected outcomes

A stable network of Ministries of Justice on prevention policies.

An increased capacity of national judicial authorities, security and justice agencies to address issues of judicial cooperation in crime prevention.

Creation of practical sources and materials, namely an open-source platform, a multilingual web portal, online training courses, Judicial Living Labs, surveys, technical sheets, and manuals.

An aligned EU acquis and relevant case-law of the CJEU/ECtHR in the field of prevention.

Further specialised knowledge and experience in crime prevention by prosecutors and judges.

A more coherent application of MLAs and data exchange with third countries in the specific area of judicial prevention.

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