
J-CAP Next

Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions - EPP software 3.0

Project design

IPS_Innovative Prison Systems


December 2024 - November 2026 (24 months)


Developing an upgraded European Probation Software (EPS) to enhance judicial cooperation

J-CAP Next is a transformative initiative designed to enhance judicial cooperation
across EU Member States by addressing challenges in implementing probation
measures and alternative sanctions. Building on the European Probation and the J-CAP
project, J-CAP Next aims to develop a fully upgraded, augmented and practitioner
oriented European Probation Software. The EPS 3.0 will contribute to more knowledge
of EU Member States legal frameworks, in order to streamline cross-border judicial
processes, and foster mutual trust among jurisdictions.

The project directly addresses the gaps identified in the application of Framework
Decision 2008/947, which highlights the need for alignment in legal frameworks and
practices to support effective cross-border probation management. By creating a
accessible digital solution, and promoting awareness among judicial practitioners, J
CAP Next seeks to overcome barriers such as lack of knowledge of EU Members
States’ judicial systems.

Ultimately, the initiative aims to improve the rehabilitation prospects of foreign probationers and ensure a more efficient and unified approach to probation and alternative sanctions throughout the EU, contributing to a resilient and collaborative judicial infrastructure.

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  • Belgium
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Romania


  • Justice Programme | Line of funding: JUST-2024-JCOO


Promote the benefits of the use of digital means to ensure streamlined judicial cooperation in criminal matters among authorities and practitioners.

Upscale EU Members States’ mutual understanding and knowledge of judicial systems and legal cultures, and provide a single, centralised source of information on Member States’ probation measures and alternative sanctions.

Raise EU-wide awareness of FD 2008/947 and the benefits of using the FD among authorities and foster mutual trust and cooperation among practitioners through awareness-raising and capacity-building activities.

Expected outcomes

The European Probation Software 3.0, a practitioner-tested software, for analysing probation measures and alternative sanctions in EU Member States.

Increased awareness and knowledge of professionals in the partner countries to resort to the use of FD 2008/947.

Increased awareness on the integration of the potential of the digitalisation of justice.

Increased digital resilience of judicial authorities and practitioners in the partner countries in cross-border procedures.

Promoter & Partners

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