
Pedro das Neves

Chief Executive Officer, CEO

Pedro is the CEO of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems – a research and consulting firm specialised on justice and correctional Services – and executive director of ICJS Innovative Criminal Justice Systems Inc. – a firm incorporated in Canada, focusing on advisory, design, integration and delivery of innovative organisational and technology solutions for the criminal justice sector.

Pedro is a member of the European Commission (‘DG JUST’) groups of experts on the Implementation of European Judicial Training Strategy and on the Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant (as alternate member).

He has worked on public administration reform for 20 years, and on Criminal Justice Innovation Systems  in different countries.  Pedro is a board director of ICPA the International Prisons and Corrections Association; board member of the BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Lab of Beira Interior University, chairing the non-profit EaSI the European association for Social Innovationand the ethics and certification council of the Portuguese Association of Investment, Innovation, Technology and Management Professionals (ACONSULTIIP). 

He is also advisory board member of the “Connecting Hearts Foundation for the Children of inmates” and founding member (and Ambassador in Canada) of the ALL4INTEGRITY NGO.

 Pedro participated in multiple justice reform workgroups and was a member of a UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) team working on the feasibility of a global prison work brand. Over the last 2 decades, Pedro has been involved in the design and implementation of innovative pilot projects lately awarded and recognised as best practices.


In Latin America and the Caribbean, Pedro works with the InterAmerican Development Bank (BID) in several corrections and citizen security projects in countries such as Argentina, Brazil (Ceará, Espírito Santo, Federal, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraíba), El Salvador, Guyana, the Bahamas, Uruguay, among others.

He is the founder and editor of JUSTICE TRENDS, a magazine on innovation and best practices in prison and probation systems. 

In 2017 he has was awarded with the “ICPA Correctional Excellence Award” and in 2021 was awarded the 2019 “Consultant of the Year” award by the Portuguese Association of Investment, Innovation, Technology and Management Professionals.

Has been invited as a guest observer to European Commission, Council of Europe and EUROPRIS meetings and as a speaker in several international events organised by the Council of Europe, EUROPRIS, ICPA (International Corrections and Prisons Association), EPEA (European Prison Education Association), COMJIB (Conference of Ministers of the Justice of the Ibero-American countries), the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Commission and governments from the different Member States.

In the last years, Pedro participated as invited lecturer on “penitentiary intelligence” in the “Master’s Diploma in “Strategic Management of Penitentiary Administration” and Diploma in “Strategic Management of Penitentiary Administration” jointly organized by the UNED University and the Spanish Secretary of Penitentiary Institutions.  

Pedro holds a Sociology degree from UBI University and a MA from the College of Europe in Bruges, having as well other learning experiences in international universities. 


Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Leaders

University of Chicago


Organizational Design for Digital Transformation

Sloan School of Management, MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Digital Transformation

Darden School of Management, University of Virgina


Specialization summer course – Latin America Today

ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Public Policies School, Lisbon

2011 - (currently on hold)

PhD candidate, Public Policies

ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Public Policies School, Lisbon


Modernisation of Public Services

University of Macau, University of Shenzhen

Forum para a Cooperação Comercial e Económica entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa


19th JCI Leadership Academy

Tachikawa, Tokyo, JCI Japan


QPR Balanced Scorecard Implementation

Methodus Consulting, Lisboa


Creativity and innovation in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley

Conferences and visits to universities and high-tech companies in Silicon Valley: Genentech, Accenture Technology Labs - Palo Alto, Cisco Systems, Ideo, Stanford University, Berkeley University | Innovation Jam Session, John Kao.

Adventus Group


Future Centers - Innovation in Public Administration

Conferences and visits to Future Centers in the Netherlands hosted by Leif Edvinson, from Skandia Future Center.

Adventus Group


Management; Change Management; Process Reengineering; Mergers and Acquisitions

Focus: performance improvement, London, UK; EPIP – Process improvement, London, UK; Improving Performance – Management tools, Dallas, USA; Management as Usual – Certified facilitator, Dallas, USA; e-MERGER: Mergers and acquisitions, Dallas, USA

Pritchett Rummler-Brache


Business Process Modelling (ProVision/Metastorm/OpenText)

Proforma Corporation, Detroit, USA


Business Performance Management - Balanced Scorecard Solutions



Strategic Leadership Development accredited consultant

MRG - Management Research Group, USA

1995 - 1996

Master of Arts in European Studies

College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (Portuguese Foreign Affairs Ministry scholarship)

1991 - 1995

Sociology degree

Beira Interior University, Portugal

2022 - present

International Advisory Board Member (pro bono)

Connecting Hearts Foundation for the Children of Inmates

Justice | Social policy | Advocacy | Children rights

2022 - present

Alternate member on behalf of IPS Innovative Prison Systems (pro bono)

European Commission (‘DG JUST’) group of experts on the Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant

International Judicial Cooperation

2021 - present

Member in individual capacity (pro bono)

European Commission (‘DG JUST’) group of experts on European Judicial Training

Justice reform | Prisons and Probation | European Judicial Training

2020 - present

Master’s course invited lecturer (Management of Penitentiary Institutions)

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia/Administración de Instituciones Penitenciárias (Spain)

Justice reform | Prisons and Probation | Citizen Security

2020 - present

Executive Director

ICJS Innovative Criminal Justice Solutions Inc.

Justice reform | Prisons and Probation | Citizen Security

2019 - 2020

International Adviser on PPP Modelling for Correctional Projects

FIPE Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil

Latin America | Justice reform | Prisons and Probation | Citizen Security | Public Private Partnerships

2019 - present

Alternate Member of the Supervisory Board (pro-bono)

Quadrantis Capital, Lisbon, Portugal

Venture Capital | Technology Investments

2018 - present

Lead consultant

Inter-American Development Bank

Latin America | Justice reform | Prisons and Probation | Citizen Security | Public Private Partnerships

2018 - present

Member of the Board of Directors (pro bono)

ICPA - International Corrections and Prisons Association

ICPA was formed to operate as an Association for corrections and prison professionals, dedicated to improving global understanding and professionalism in the sector.

2017 - 2018


UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Justice reform | Feasibility study for a global prison work brand

2017 - present



Justice reform | Correctional and probation systems reform | Information technology

December 2012-2015; 2015-2019

Chairman of the supervisory board; deputy chairman of the supervisory board (pro bono)

RUDE - Rural Development Association

RUDE - Rural Development Association is responsible for managing the Community Initiative LEADER since 1992 at the Cova da Beira region (NUTIII). Since 2009 RUDE is responsible for the implementation of the PRODER (a strategic and financial support to rural development for the 2007-2013 programming period, approved by the European Commission Decision C (2007) 6159, December 4).

2014 - present

Board member


Business consulting | HR development | Regional development | Gamification

2014 - present

Chairman of the board (pro bono)

EaSI – the European Association for Social Innovation

Voluntary sector development | Social innovation | Social economy development

2014 - present

Board member (pro bono)

BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety research and technology transfer laboratory | University of Beira Interior

Justice reform | Correctional and probation systems reform | Public safety | Information technology | R&D

2013 - present

Chief Executive Officer, CEO

IPS_Innovative Prison Services (Qualify Just IT Solutions and Consulting)

Justice reform | Correctional and probation systems reform | Information technology | Business consulting

2013 - present

Board member

Knowledge Systems Romania, SRL

Consulting | Training | IT | Education technologies

2016 - 2022

Vice-president (pro bono)

APROXIMAR Social Development Cooperative CRL

Voluntary sector | social innovation | social economy development | NGO development

Mid 2009 to October 2011 - October 2012 to March 2013

Non-executive board member

(as a result of the merger of GLOBAL CHANGE International Consultants S.A. within the I.Zone Group)


International operations and special projects (government)

Consulting, training, IT | Design, multimedia and education technologies | Engineering and IT systems | Corrections advisory

2001 - 2003


Business manager of consulting area


Management consulting | change management | mergers and acquisitions | process reengineering

1998 - 1999


Consultant responsible for the evaluation of the impact of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme in National policies in Portugal and Spain in the period 1996-2000.

DELOITTE & TOUCHE Management Systems, Brussels


1998 - 2008

Founder/Executive Board Member

Business manager of all company areas. Project coordinator

GLOBAL CHANGE International Consultants, SA

Management consulting | HR development | regional development | Corrections advisory

1997 - 1999


ISOB – Institut fur Sozialwissenschaftlich Beratung, Regensburg, Germany

Research and consulting institute (Dr. Thomas Stahl)

1997 - 1999


Ministry of Labour - Directorate General for Employment and Vocational Training

Portuguese labour ministry. General Directorate for Employment and Vocational Training.

1996 - 1998

Consultant/Project manager

EGOR Management e Formação – Consultores Internacionais para o Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Organizacional, Lda.

Training and management consulting

September to end 1996

Managing director


HR consulting | training | Project finance

01/2022 - 12/2024


Model for Probation Services and Practitioners

01/2022 - 06/2023


Developing a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families

Internal Security Fund

2021 - 2024


Development and testing of a process chain for the placement of former detainees as specialists in the labour market

2021 - 2024


Visualising the Future Through Training

2021 - 2024


Digital education system for vocational skills for institutionalized youngsters

2021 - 2024


Training Platform on The Prevention of Emotional and Sexual Abuse Among Youth

2021 - 2024


Systematic Transition from Prison into the Labour Market

04/2022 - 03/2024


Judicial Cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions

DG Justice

01/2022 - 06/2023


Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement

Internal Security Fund

01/2022 - 06/2023


Preventing and counteracting radicalisation

01/2022 - 12/2024


Continuing Education Against Radicalisation

01/2022 - 12/2024


Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community

2021 - 2022

Risk Assessment Evaluation and Implementation (Iraq)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, US State Department


Risk Assessment Evaluation and Implementation (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

2021 - 2022

Technical Assistance

Citizen Security Technologies

IADB Uruguay

2021 - 2023


Intelligent Offender Management System

R&D project

2021 - 2023


Digitalisation in corrections towards reduced recidivism

2021 - 2023


Training of Refugee Offenders by Virtual Reality

2021 - 2023


Virtual reality for training inmates


Correctional reform strategy and projects

Risk and Needs Assessment, correctional technologies

IADB Brazil, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul


Institutional Strengthening of the Probation Services of Guyana


2020 - 2022

BPR Bien Público Regional

Modelo de Gestión Integral Penitenciaria de respuesta a las crisis sanitarias y humanitarias en las prisiones de America Latina e del Caribe (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Uruguay)

IADB, Washington

2019 - present

Technical Assistance

Correctional reform strategy and projects

Risk and Needs Assessment, correctional technologies (Federal Government, State of Espírito Santo and State of Ceará, State of Paraíba, Federal Government)

IADB Brazil

2019 - present

Technical Assistance

Component coordinator (Corrections Technology) of the Project MODERNIZA ES

Risk and Needs Assessment, correctional technologies

IADB Brazil

2019 - 2022


Leadership development for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings

2018 - 2021


European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System

2019 - 2020

Development of a Framework Document for Corrections Reform (Adults and Juveniles)

The Bahamas

Citizen Security and Justice Programme

2019 - present

PPP Modeling Prison Privatization Programme of the State of São Paulo


2019 - 2020

Technology Needs assessment and Plan for the Argentinian Penitentiary Service

IADB Argentina

2020 - 2023


Holistic Radicalisation Prevention Initiative

Radicalisation risk assessment in the Balkans

2020 - 2022


Alternative PRE-TRIAL Detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards

2019 - 2021


Prison Officer of the 21st Century

2019 - 2021


Bringing Safety on the Roads

2019 - 2021


Radicalisation Prevention Competences’ Development Programme for Justice Professionals

Radicalisation risk assessment

2019 - 2021


Assessing the desocialisation and dejurisdictionalisation effects of personal and patrimonial preventive measures

2018 - 2020


Implementation of the Stockholm’s Roadmap in cases of Terrorism and Radicalisation

2018 - 2020


Integrated Exit Programme for Prisons and Probation

2019 - 2020

Public-Private Partnerships Programme of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

2017 - 2020


Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities

Radicalisation risk assessment

2017 - 2020


Integrated community, probation and prison services radicalisation prevention approach

Radicalisation risk assessment

2015 - 2017


Radicalisation Prevention in Prison

Radicalisation risk assessment

2018 - 2020


Coding in prison as a valuable OUTside tool for employment

2018 - 2021


Cross-border cooperation - European Arrest Warrant

2018 - 2021


Sports and Physical Activity Learning Environment for Citizenship, Emotional, Social e-Competences

2018 - 2021


Cross-sectoral awareness building on mental health needs in the criminal justice system and on release

2018 - 2021


Strengthening the capacity of criminal justice professionals and volunteers

2017 - 2019


Peer Pro-Social Modelling in Probation


Feasibility study on establishing a global brand of prison products

Safeguards & certification

UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna

2016 - 2018


Mental Health, Aging and Palliative Care in Prisons

2016 - 2018


The Dialogue Center, Taking Further Prisoners’ Education Projects in Using Dialogue as Preparing for Release

2015 - 2017


European Interaction Guidelines for Education Professionals when working with Children in Juvenile Justice Learning Contexts

2015 - 2017


European Framework of Competences for Community Professionals working in Gang Environments

2014 - 2020

Política Nacional Penitenciaria de Guatemala

On behalf of COMJIB – Conferencia de Ministros de Justicia Iberoamericanos (2013)


Penitentiary law reform in Argentina

Correctional systems reform expert in Argentina. On behalf of COMJIB – Conferencia de Ministros de Justicia Iberoamericanos

2014 - 2017


Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration

2014 - 2017


Innovation, Development and Communication for better staff training in prison systems

2013 - 2015


European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals to the Correctional Criminal Justice System

2013 - 2015

My Community Passport

Key Competencies for Minor Offender Reintegration

2013 - 2015

Itinerariul Dialog

Road Map for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialog

SNLP is financed by the Norwegian Grants (Innovation Norway Funding)

2008 - 2011


Innovating Prison Strategies

National Administration of Prisons. European Social Fund, Bucharest


Reintegration of ex-offenders Community of Practice

Justiz Bremen. Progress.

2005 - 2009


Gerir para Inovar os Serviços Prisionais - Prison Services Organisational Innovation Project

2005 - 2008


Policies and strategies for Prison Management

2002 - 2005

Gerir para Inovar os Serviços Prisionais

Prison Services Organisational Innovation Project

As keynote speaker or presenter

Council of Europe, PC-CP Penological Council

Theme: The “beauty and the Beast”: Reflection on the opportunities generated by Research, Regulation and Smart Use of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice

TEDxLisboa 2022

Theme: Seeds | Incarcerated life, science, public policy and the future

IBD Inter American Development Bank Technical Dialogue: "Comprehensive Prison Management Model to Respond to Sanitary and Humanitarian Crisis in Prisons in Latin America and the Caribbean

Theme: Technological Innovations to Improve Prison Management

ActiveGames4Change Sport and physical activity learning environment for citizenship, emotional, social and e-competencies training

Theme: Opening address

Risk and Needs Assessment: violent extremism analysis in practice

Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters Programme. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and US Department of State

Gaining and Edge over the Pandemic: the ICPA Global Taskforce on Covid-19 in Prions

6thCouncil of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services


COVID and the penitentiary institutions: the opportunity generated by chaos

III Euro-American Conference for Human Rights Development: Human rights dimensions of COVID-19 response

Presentation (with a focus on correctional staff training)

Perspectives for penitentiary reform in the framework of the Nelson Mandela Rules

Ministry of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs of Mozambique and the UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Beyond the curve of the road Radicalisation prevention and prison intelligence

Annual Conference – North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents

Conference session

Innovative Approaches to the training of prison staff

Best practices on learning and teaching via virtual solutions

Conference session

Approaches to the training of prison staff

Future competencies of prison staff and managers

Conference session

The role and challenges for criminal justice practitioners when dealing with radicalised individuals

ERA Academy of European Law Seminar on Reducing Radicalisation in Prisons with Alternatives to Imprisonment


Different types of violent extremist and terrorist prisoners (male, female juveniles, returning foreign terrorist fighters) and Specialized Risk Assessment Tools

UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), UNCCT (United Nations Office of Counterterrorism) and CTED (United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate) workshop on Preventing Radicalisation to Violent Extremism in Prisons in Tunisia


Key issues in preventing radicalization to violence in prisons

UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), UNCCT (United Nations Office of Counterterrorism) and CTED (United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate) workshop on Preventing Radicalisation to Violent Extremism in Prisons in Tunisia

Conference session

Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist Prisoners and Returning Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) in Kyrgyzstan

Expert working group conference

Conference session

Integrated radicalization prevention and exit interventions: new challenges for probation professionals

Cross-border launch of HELP Radicalisation Prevention course for CEP Probation Officers

Corrections in the light of digital transformation

The detention and probation Forum of the Swiss Center of Expertise in Prison and Probation [SKJV]

The Need for Alternative PRE-TRIAL Detention Measures towards the Realisation of Common Standards

II Simpósio Internacional sobre Género e Cultura Prisional - (SIGeP2020)

Understanding Radicalisation Prevention Strategies within Correctional Settings: A Holistic Cross-Sectoral Training Approach through Distance Learning

Internacional sobre Género e Cultura Prisional (SIGeP2020)

The Right to Legal Aid in the Context of International Judicial Cooperation: Towards the Improvement of Equal Access to Justice for All?

II Conferência Euro-Americana para o Desenvolvimento dos Direitos Humanos (CEDH2020)

Technological solutions: tools to connect with the outside world

Addressing challenges in the prison system during a public health crisis: Sharing experiences and lessons learned in LAC and the world in managing the COVID-19 pandemic

IADB Virtual Regional Dialogue

Organized by the IADB in partnership with IPS Innovative Prison Systems, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Corrections and Prisons Association

Better Management of Terrorists and Dangerous Offenders in Prisons and Prevention of Radicalization

Directorate General of Prisons and Detention Houses

Reinventar a Gestão do Sistema Prisional

Seminário sobre Sistema Prisional: Atuação Interdisciplinar no sistema prisional diante dos desafios e perspectivas: empreendedorismo, sustentabilidade e reintegração social

Parcerias Público Privadas: a experiência internacional

Seminário Sistemas Prisionais e a Experiência Internacional em Modelos de Parceria Público Privada organizado pelo BIB, BNDES e Casa Civil da Presidência

Speaker and moderator

ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association World Conference


Intelligent and Sustainable Building for the 21st Century (courts and prisons)

Encontros de Inovação na Justiça. IGFEJ, MoJ.

Intelligence led corrections and radicalisation prevention in prisons

Transnational Seminar Different Approaches to Preventer and Counter Radicalisation and Violent Extremism in Prison and Probation Services – Challenges and Perspectives

Risk assessment, assessment procedures, practice & discussion

Radicalisation, risk assessment and social work (In the Prison and Probation system) symposium. Bremen Justiz Senate, Permanent Representation of the Land of Bremen to the Federal Government

Radicalisation and violent extremism: maps, contexts, and responses. Radicalisation and recruitment within prison

Digital transformation in prisons – the road ahead of the curve

Moderated Panel Session: Digital Transformation - The Portuguese Perspective

ICPA and Europris ICT2019 Conference: Digital Transformation

Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons. Contemporary challenges in European prison systems - Preventing Radicalisation in Prison and Reducing Overcrowding

Organized by the Ministry of Justice in the framework of the Romanian Presidency of the European Union

Intelligence led corrections and radicalisation prevention in prisons – an European approach

2019 Correctional Services Symposium Mitigating Security Threats – An Intelligence-Led Approach

Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Ontario, Canada

Modernization and Strengthening of the Penitentiary System of the State of Paraná, Brazil

Modernization and Strengthening of the Penitentiary System of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Good national and international practices

Radicalization prevention in Prisons. Tools and Approaches

House of Bremen. Bremen Ministry of Justice

Radicalisation in the Portuguese context - Prevention, Evaluation and Intervention Strategies

Organized by the European Prison Observatory with the support of the DG Justice of the European Commission

Rehabilitation and Intelligence led technologies for prisons

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and BNDS


Desafios de la Reforma Penitenciaria en America Latina


Justice Ministers Dialogue

X Edición de la Semana de Seguridad Ciudadana de America Latina y el Caribe

Justice Trends

Forum de la détention et de la probation. Centre suisse de compétences en matière d'exécution des sanctions pénales (CSCSP)

Mental Health, Ageing and Palliative Care: challenges and responses for Correctional Services

ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association

R2PRIS - A multi-level approach to deal with radicalisation prevention in prisons. Results from 3 years of development in Europe

ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association

Detection and response to radicalisation situations: perception programmes for first line practitioners and Exit strategies: deradicalisation and disengagement

Council of Europe Conference on the importance of training prison professionals to detect and combat radicalisation and encourage disengagement from violence in prison

Training of justice professionals on radicalisation prevention

Council of Europe seminar on Radicalisation Prevention

Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons in Europe

High-level conference, Ministry of Justice

Terrorism and Radicalism in Prisons

International high-level conference, organized by the Israel Prison Service in cooperation with the International Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT) in the framework of the World Counter-terrorism Summit

Rehabilitation and Intelligence led technologies for prisons

Conference: More humane prisons: people-centered technological solutions for rehabilitation. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Radicalisation Assessment in Prisons

RAN Radicalisation Awareness Network and Excellence Centre

Radicalisation Prevention – the R2pris solutions for prison professionals

International Criminal Justice Summer Course

Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons

International Conference

Policies and Interventions for radicalisation prevention in prisons

Association of Caribbean Heads of Corrections and Prison Services (ACHCPS) Conference

Mental Health, Ageing and Palliative Care in Prisons

MEDICALIS International Congress of Doctors and Young Health Professionals

Technological Trends in Prisons

High level meeting. Invited by the Turkish Prison Administration

Radicalisation in Prisons in Europe.

Invited by the European Commission (DG Justice) to present the work developed under the R2PRIS project in the presence of both EU Commissioners

Workshop on the Establishment of a global brand of prison products

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Monitoring sex offenders in the Community

Invited by CEPOL

Training and Education of Foreign Inmates in Europe: perspectives on the use of technology enhanced learning

FORINER Conference

Mental health, Aging and Palliative care in prisons

Presentation at the VII International Congress of the Portuguese Psychology and Psychiatry Society

Inmates’ communications and technology: keeping prisons safe while increasing the chances for social reinsertion

ICPA International Conference

Towards and Integrated approach to Radicalisation Prevention in prisons and Community in Europe: the R2Pris transnational experience

ICPA International Conference

Experiência Europea en la Implementación del Monitoreo Electrónico: Portugal, Francia, Bélgica y el Reino Unido

Taller internacional sobre el uso de medios de vigilancia electrónica en materia penal. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad Publica

Cambios em los Modelos de Reinserción Social em América Latina: los impactos de la nueva arquitectura penitenciaria

Reunión Ordinaria Internacional de la Asociación Internacional de Prisiones y Correcciones Capítulo Latinoamericano

Mental health, Aging and Palliative care in prisons

Presentation in the public seminar of the launching of the MenACE project

Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons

Presentation at the 18th Conference of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA)

User centered Facilities Management: FM at the center of security and individual rehabilitation

Congress of the Portuguese Association of Facilities Management

Reinsertion, radicalisation prevention and intelligence led corrections: Kafka, Orwell, Bentham and Foucault revisited?

Pathways to Radicalisation and Recruitment: Intervention Strategies in the Balkans, Central and Southeastern Europe, University of Vest Timisoara and Romanian Centre for Prison Studies

Written and unwritten rules in prison education

Prison Education and its Professionals. EIS ALP Conference

Children in the criminal justice system: the responsibility of many, a priority of few

Open class at the Beira Interior University in the framework of the EIGEP European Interaction Guidelines for Education Professionals when working with Children in Juvenile Justice Learning Contexts

Justice Innovation Partnerships

VII International Conference of Psychology and Psychiatry of Justice

Radicalization: a challenge to European Societies – the role of penitentiary systems

Open class in the framework of the R2PRIS Radicalization Prevention in prisons. Beira Interior University

International Conference on Youth Justice: Walking together, talking together


Partners in Corrections: a world of possibilities

Keynote presentation at Microsoft partners meeting

Penitentiary Systems in Intelligent Society: challenges and Opportunities

Conference chair

Improving the effectiveness of correctional policies in Latin America: the effective integration of people in conflict with the law

Ministerial Conference

Unlock your potential with key competences

MyComPass conference

CODESIP the Central American & Dominican Republic Council of Prison Administration Directors

Founding conference

Trends in information and communication technologies for prison services: contributions for a Digital Roadmap

Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor

Lineamentos de politica penitenciaria de Guatemala

Seminario internacional: Correctional systems reform international conference

The low cost prison

18th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison Administration

Guest lecturer

In-Prison Education for Rehabilitation and Resettlement course

Organized by the European Prison Education Association (Malta branch) and the Faculty of Education of the Malta University

Joint presentation with Jürgen Hillmer

European cooperative production networks

5th Conference of the European Prison Regime Forum. Hosted by the Correctional Service of Norway Staff Academy and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security

Chairman of the Berlin Declaration panel

ExOCoP Policy Forum (Berlin Declaration)

Cooperation, exchange of best practices, development of EU funding lines between the Member States, ESF managing authorities and the European Commission

Building Bridges: Correctional Best Practices, Worldwide Perspectives

Transnational cooperation between Prison Systems in Europe

12th ICPA Conference (International Corrections and Prisons Association). Het Pand, in collaboration with Ghent University Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy

Knowledge Management in Prison Systems in Europe. Pre-conference on E-Learning and Knowledge Management. Building Bridges: Correctional Best Practices, Worldwide Perspectives

12th ICPA Conference (International Corrections and Prisons Association). Het Pand, in collaboration with Ghent University Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy

Organising and managing penitentiary services: quality standards

The Europeanization of Prison Management - Best Practices Dissemination

Organised by the European Institute of Public Administration and the Justice Department of Catalonia

Equal Policy Forum on Prevention or Re-imprisonment

European Commission. Polish Ministry of Regional Development

Passport to Freedom

EQUAL Initiative

Knowledge Management in European Prison Systems

Innovative Wege zur nachhaltigen Reintegration straffälliger Menschen – Reformmodelle in den EU-Staaten

As participant










Moderator in various panels

ICPA Annual Conference (Online)

Sharing Knowledge and Making Connections in Corrections

International Correction and Prison Association (ICPA)

Rights, Dignity, Safety, Support

ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association, 20th Annual General Meeting and Conference

Beyond Prisons: Building Better Futures

ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association 19th Annual General Meeting and Conference

Innovation in Rehabilitation: Building Better Futures

L’Europe face aux defies du terrorisme

Centre Universitaire Mediterranean

Summer Congress of the American Correctional Association

Council of Europe 22nd Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services (CDPPS)

EUROPRIS AGM and Conference

Winter Conference of the American Correctional Association

Moderator in various panels

ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association 18th Annual Conference

Correctional Leadership: Engaging Hearts and Minds

Council of Europe 21st Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services (CDPPS)

EuroPris Conference and AGM


Prisons of the Future. Final working conference

Electronic Monitoring in Europe

IDECOM Dissemination Seminar

Innovation in Correctional Services

International Probation Symposium

10th Anniversary of Turkish Probation

EuroPris Conference on Radicalization in Prison

Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future

Reintegration of high-risk offenders

Justice Cooperation Network (JCN), European transition treatment and management of high-risk offenders

DG Justice

Information and Communication Technologies in prisons


European Prison Regime Forum

Prison labour

Council of Europe 21st Conference of Directors of Prison Administration

Outsourcing Justice Services: Public Private Partnerships Workshop

Organized by EuroPris – the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services

European Prison Industries Forum

National Offender Management Service

Pathways to inclusion: strengthening European Cooperation in Prison Education and Training

European Commission

Costa, V., Liberado, P., Esgalhado, G., Cunha, A. I., & das Neves, P. (2021). One Size Does Not Fit All: Exploring the Characteristics of Exit Programmes in Europe. Journal for Deradicalization, 28, 1-38. ISSN 23639849.

das Neves, P. (2021). (Covid-19 in prisons) The opportunity that emerged from chaos. Editorial, Justice Trends Magazine (7). ISSN 2184-0113.

Evans, A. & das Neves, P. (2021). (Covid-19 in prisons) The New European Bauhaus: an opportunity to revisit the way we think about prisons. Justice Trends Magazine (7), ISSN 2184-0113.

Apóstolo, J., Liberado, P., & das Neves, P. (2021). The Right to Legal Aid in the Context of International Judicial Cooperation: Towards the Improvement of Equal Access to Justice for All? Journal Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(12), 15-22. ISSN – 225-0484

Liberado, P., das Neves, P., & Abrunhosa, C. (2020). Understanding radicalisation prevention strategies within correctional settings: A holistic cross-sectoral approach through distance learning. In A. Guerreiro, M. Henriques & D. Castilhos (Eds.), Proceedings Book of the II International Symposium on Gender and Prison Culture: Is prison a democratic space? (pp. 230). Coimbra: JUSXII. ISBN: 978-989-54998-1-6

Hammerschick, W., das Neves, P., Liberado, P., & Apóstolo, J. (2020). The need for alternative pre-trial detention measures: Towards the realisation of common standards. In A. Guerreiro, M. Henriques & D. Castilhos (Eds.), Proceedings Book of the II International Symposium on Gender and Prison Culture: Is prison a democratic space? (pp. 112). Coimbra: JUSXII. ISBN: 978-989-54998-1-6

das Neves, P. & Adams, T. (2020). Challenges, Profile, Competencies and Training of the European Prison Officer of the 21st Century: a quick view over the PO21 Sector Skills Alliance. Justice Trends Magazine (6). ISSN 2184-0113.

Apóstolo, J., Liberado, P., & das Neves, P. (2020). The right to legal aid in the context of international judicial cooperation: Towards the improvement of equal access to justice for all. In M. Henriques, D. Castilhos, & A. Brízido (Eds.), Proceedings Book of the II Euro-American Conference for Human Rights Development: 2030 – A New Chapter for the Evolution of Human Rights (p. 358). Coimbra: JUSXII. ISBN: 978-989-54998-0-9

das Neves, P., Liberado, P. & Reis, S. (2019). Understanding radicalisation, dynamic security and intelligence in prisons. Justice Trends Magazine (5). ISSN 2184-0113.

das Neves, P. (2019). The great doesn’t happen through impulse alone and is a succession of little things that are brought together. Editorial, Justice Trends Magazine (5). ISSN 2184-0113.

das Neves, P. (2019). Digital transformation (in corrections)… If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. Editorial, Justice Trends Magazine (4). ISSN 2184-0113.

das Neves, P. (2018). Prison as a last resort. The “Fata Morgana” of criminal justice systems? Editorial, Justice Trends Magazine (3). ISSN 2184-0113.

das Neves, P. (2018). Cooperation and knowledge sharing (in corrections): a lever in the policy development process. Editorial, Justice Trends Magazine (2). ISSN 2184-0113.

Esgalhado, G., Pereira, H., Monteiro, S., Costa, V., das Neves, P. & Reis, S. (2018). R2PRIS – Radicalisation Screening Tool. UBI Universidade da Beira Interior. 

das Neves, P. (2017). Leadership should not be a lonely experience. Editorial, Justice Trends Magazine (1). ISSN 2184-0113.

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