

Developing a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families


01/2022 – 06/2023 (18 months)


EUTEx focuses on the disengagement and reintegration of terrorist, extremist and radicalised offenders

EUTEx will contribute to the efficient prevention of terror attacks, which depends on the successful disengagement and reintegration of terrorists and extremist offenders (including foreign fighters and their families).

The project aims to establish a multi-agency and multi-disciplinary framework based on evidence-based and effective practices, stakeholders’ cooperation, and a solid risk assessment and continuity of care process. In this sense, EUTEx will build on European knowledge, skills, and products, furthering these by summoning the best expertise in relevant fields through innovative methods and, subsequently, roll them out Europe-wide.



  • Albania
  • Austria
  • France
  • Germany
  • Kosovo
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Sweden


  • European Commission: Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • Internal Security Fund – Police


Create a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of terrorist and extremist and radicalised offenders in the area of right-wing and Islamist extremism, including returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families based on promising practices.

Collect existing promising practices, test, and adapt them to be both relevant to the local context and transferable at the European level.

Enhance the preparedness of stakeholders involved in disengagement and reintegration programmes and will strengthen their collaboration.

Increase in quality and professionalism of the management of terrorist and extremist offenders and a long-term increase in security in Europe.

Expected outcomes

Increased pool of evidence-based knowledge and skill base destined to specialised professionals and other stakeholders in disengagement and reintegration.

Optimised handling of terrorist and extremist offenders by specialised professionals in the area of disengagement and reintegration.

Tailored, accessible, and practical knowledge and skill base destined to specialised professionals and other stakeholders in the area of disengagement and reintegration.

Long-term established and sustainable EUTEx framework.

Promoter & Partners

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