

Coding in prison as a valuable OUTside tool for employment​

Project design

IPS_Innovative Prison Systems


09/2018 – 08/2021 (36 months)


Teaching inmates coding skills

This project focuses on contributing to breaking the cycle of incarceration by teaching inmates computer programming skills that can significantly increase their chances of employment after they serve their prison sentences.



  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Spain


  • Erasmus+ Programme Key Action: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices


Help reduce recidivism rates by teaching inmates coding skills that can significantly increase their chances of employment post-release.

Enhance the inmates’ understanding of a hyper-connected world and environment.

Raise the awareness of prison staff, management, educators/trainers and policy makers to the importance of digital/coding skills enhancement amongst the incarcerated population.

Empower inmates with marketable skills that can lead to employment.

Promote cooperation between prisons and external organisations that can eventually provide a job placement for inmates after release, in the software development field.

Improve the skills of prison trainers/educators enabling these professionals to train inmates on basic computer programming.

Expected outcomes

Development of a training programme focusing on basic computer programming skills (Android and iOS programming, and JavaScript).

Increased knowledge of software and coding (inmates and prison staff responsible for the training).

Development and piloting of a training programme for staff (blended learning).

Promoter & Partners

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