

European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals to the Correctional Criminal Justice System


10/2013 - 10/2015 (36 months)


Competences for adult learning professionals working in European correctional systems

EISALP is a dynamic and innovative partnership committed to developing prison education throughout Europe. Previous successful initiatives concerning education in detention (individually and collaboratively) revealed that the missing link towards a truly developed sector is the specific teacher education and training for teaching in prison settings.

The cornerstone is that there is no consistent approach to what a prison teacher is, what the key skills are and how to assist best adult learning professionals in becoming one. Therefore, we take the challenge to show that a mix of public institutions and private organizations can turn a potentially disadvantaged profession into a successful and rewarding qualification by providing tailored resources through common initiatives and collaboration.



  • Malta
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovenia
  • United Kingdom


  • European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme


To improve the content and delivery of adult education in prison settings through:

  • The development of an innovative European induction tool for the initial and further training of adult educators teaching in prison;
  • The development of Grundtvig training courses to improve the availability and quality of European training courses available to adult education teachers interested in prison education.

To develop a key competency profile for adult learning professionals working in correctional criminal justice system, based on:

  • Key competences for adult learning professionals: contribution to the development of a reference framework of key competences for adult learning professionals;
  • National researches in partner countries conducted on relevant stakeholders;
  • European analysis of available materials on topic developed in other LLP initiatives.

To improve the management of adult education professionals through measures to develop the learning dimension of the correctional criminal justice system in the partner countries.

To develop modular tailor-made induction support for adult learning professionals working in correctional criminal justice system, based on the previously developed European key competency profile, consisting of:

  • Interactive web-based platform acting as a tool for assessing already acquired competencies and for guiding in further development plans;
  • Modular training for preparing adult learning professionals in tackling the challenges described in D.1, training developed under the standards and formats on Grundtvig training courses and listed as such (Initial Teacher Education);
  • Key competency indexed virtual library with materials made available by partners and from other LLP initiatives (Continuous Professional Development).

To mainstream the induction support and its components in correctional criminal justice system, at educational department and staff management level by:

  • Promoting the key competency profile for the adult learning professionals working in correctional criminal justice system as a solid foundation for the professionalization of prison teaching;
  • Including a management functionality in the induction support tool for evaluation and follow-up;
  • Adjusting the modular training so it can be used by the educational departments of prisons as first day’s introductory training for new teachers.

Expected outcomes

Consistent progress in the professionalization of correctional education.

Opening of the prison settings towards the lifelong learning culture.

Increase the quality of prison teaching and the interest of teachers towards prison education.

Better equipped teachers in navigating the first days of working in prison settings.

Better educated inmates, with higher chances of successful reintegration.

Setting-up in-service training courses for adult education staff.

Share experience and good practice and give rise to concrete results and outputs suitable for dissemination (methods, tools, materials, courses).

Quality assurance of adult learning, including the professional development of staff developing the competences and career pathways of teachers, trainers and other staff.

Improving the content and delivery of adult education through the production, testing, comparative appraisal/dissemination of innovative curricula, methodologies and modules for adult learners.

Improving the management of adult education, measures to develop the learning dimension of organizations not primarily concerned with adult education..

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