

Rehabilitation of foreign inmates within the scope of FD 2008/909/JHA


01/12/2022 – 30/11/2024 (24 months)


Rehabilitation of foreign inmates in the EU: For a more efficient and humane process ensuring their fundamental rights

Considering the high numbers of convicted persons serving prison sentences outside their country of origin or place of permanent residence, the REUNION Project is aimed at bettering the implementation of and knowledge surrounding Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA. Following the principle of mutual recognition, this Decision sets out the ground rules for the recognition of judgments imposing custodial sentences or other measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in the European Union.

Through an awareness-raising approach, this project focuses on developing functional materials to facilitate the execution of the Framework Decision. Aimed at judges, prosecutors, lawyers and prison staff, REUNION strives to support these professionals in the transnational execution of judgements involving the deprivation of liberty, all whilst updating and creating new and important learning materials.

The initiative hence fosters closer cooperation between European Union Member States and ensures a better knowledge of the different legal and prison systems among professionals. Ultimately the project strives for a more efficient and humane inmate rehabilitation process, at the same time guaranteeing their basic rights are observed.



  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania


  • European Commission Justice Programme (JUST-2022-JTRA - (Action grant to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights)


Establish the preliminary work for adequately supporting judges, prosecutors, lawyers and prison staff when working with cross-border execution of judgements involving the deprivation of liberty, more specifically, when dealing with Framework Decision 909.

Create distance-based and sustainable training programmes on the effective application of Framework Decision 909, thereby promoting the respect for EU procedural rights as enshrined in the Stockholm roadmap, enhancing judicial practitioners’, lawyers, courts and prison staff training on Framework Decision 909.

Create a space that contributes to the closer interaction and cooperation between practitioners, thereby allowing for the development of mutual trust and solutions to best implement the aforementioned Framework Decision.

Contribute to the creation and broadening of knowledge around Framework Decision 909 within the target audience of the project while simultaneously updating and producing learning materials and organising cross-border training activities.

Expected outcomes

Extended use of Framework Decision 909 by judges, prosecutors, lawyers and prison staff focused on Human Rights and a more efficient reinsertion and rehabilitation process.

Greater awareness about the obstacles faced when implementing Framework Decision 909.

Improved understanding of the principles of mutual trust and mutual recognition of sentences, which ultimately promotes the convergence of practices in the partner countries and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

Upscaled knowledge and capacity of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and prison staff.

Coordinator & Partners

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