Project Portfolio
Vulnerable groups
Vulnerability, structural or individual, may lead to additional care and protection needs in justice systems. We develop and implement services to restructure the effectiveness and compliance of correctional systems by supporting the application of new methodologies, policies and procedures.
We make it possible through strategic planning and deployment of practices that envision the care and protection mechanisms for vulnerable populations (juveniles, the disabled and mentally ill, older prisoners, women, foreign nationals, minorities and those struggling with gender issues).

Assessing the Risk of Isolation of Sentenced and Accused: Enhancing the Capacity of Correctional Services to Work with Convicted Children

Law enforcement and community cooperation and training approach to prevent radicalisation by ensuring refugees’ successful inclusion

Communitarian approach for a holistic young refugee long-term integration

Rehabilitation of foreign inmates within the scope of FD 2008/909/JHA

Active Games 4Change
Sport and physical activity learning environment for citizenship, emotional, social and e-competences training

Cross-sectoral awareness building on mental health needs in the criminal justice system and on release

European Interaction Guidelines for Education Professionals when working with Children in Juvenile Justice Contexts

European Framework of Competences for Community Professionals in Gang Environments

Mental health, ageing and palliative care in European prisons

Key Competencies for Minor Offender Reintegration
Where we operate
Portfolio team

Ana Rita Pires
Head of Unit for Social Inclusion & Re-entry, as part of the Rehabilitation, Reintegration & Community Portfolio

Inês de Castro
Head of Unit for Risk Prevention & Criminogenic Intervention as part of the Rehabilitation, Reintegration & Community Portfolio

Pedro das Neves
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Pedro Liberado
Chief Research Officer (CRO) & Portfolio Coordinator

Sofia Almeida
Consultant & Researcher

Tiago Leitão
Board Member